As skin ages, collagen and elastin, fibers that keep the skin firm, weaken. The skin looks loose and lax, becomes thinner, and loses fat so that it looks less plump and smooth. The loss of underlying fat and bone causes the skin to fold and wrinkle.
Can Wrinkles Be Avoided?
The sun is the major cause of unwanted changes in the skin with aging. How wrinkled your skin becomes depends largely on how much sun you have been exposed to in your lifetime, and your genetic background. Cigarette smoking can also contribute to wrinkles, whether you are smoking or someone around you is smoking.
The good news is that many wrinkles can be prevented. Remember that sun exposure as a child or teenager can make a big difference to the appearance of the skin at the age of 30, 40, or 50. So, begin to use sunscreen as a child to avoid wrinkles caused by the sun. Always wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and reapply every 1.5 hours, wear a hat with a brim and other protective clothing when in the sun, do not deliberately sunbathe, and try to avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you have already sun-damaged your skin, you will still benefit from beginning sun protection as an adult. It is never too late. The skin has a remarkable ability to heal itself once protected.